Created a vast world with uncountable numbers of planets and celestial bodies.
Tries to help out with things when possible, fixing anything that might seem to be an issue for the people living in her realm, unaware of the sort of butterfly effect consequences that could come from it. She might move a star slightly closer to a planet so that life will be able to grow there, unaware that on another planet sailors were using that star to navigate, and as a result of her actions became lost at sea.
She does try to help out people, but she's often oblivious to the potential consequences of her actions.
On top of this, she is incredibly confident, never once doubting herself or what she's doing. She very frequently misinterprets what people say or ask of her, her train of thought going to completely bizzare places and overcomplicating everything, assuming implication where there's none, all while thinking she's absolutely correct in her interpretation and not questioning it at all.
You could ask her for a soda and she'd give you the ability to percieve the fourth dimension, because obviously you wanted the soda for the caffine to keep you awake, and what better way to stay awake than to have a whole other dimension to percieve and try to comprehend. Yeah her logic is completely insane. But she is certain that she's always correct, that she knows better than everyone else.