Basically just a pom-pom with googly eyes on stuck to some other pom-poms with pipe cleaners
Excitable and chaotic, they never seem to run out of energy. They often play pranks on people, or deliberately do stuff to get on their nerves, but never actually intend to hurt anyone, and don't really know what to do or say if they end up doing so.
They can be quite impatient, and find it difficult to focus on just one thing, which can make creating art quite difficult for them. This upsets them somewhat, but they try not to show it.
Likes to experiment and try new things with their art. Uses lots of multimedia techniques, sometimes paints with their non-dominant hand(?) or with their eyes closed, makes their own paints, sticks things to their paintings or mixes things into their paints for more texture, or uses less conventional ways of applying paint to a canvas, such as with a paintball gun.
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